You (or at least I) might not think of Rochester, Minnesota as a western town. I don't think of coyboys, cattle or rodeos but, in the spirit of America, there is a rodeo in Rochester. Now I'm not saying there aren't any fair-dinkum types in and around Rochester (although there is a tremendous shortage in my lab) there must be a few, judging by the attendance at the rodeo. Once again we figured it might be a bit late and too much for Pierce but perfect for another Natalya and daddy outing. Also once again, we met up with our mates Vincent, Claire and Lucas.
It was an evening event and the weather was great. At first Natalya and Lucas were a bit restless but they soon got right into it. There was music for dancing and plenty to watch. They began with bucking broncs but went through a pretty full schedule. It wasn't like the Mt Isa or Charters Towers Rodeo but pretty impressive for Rochester. It was much better than I expected and I had a great time, watching the show and the kids as they enjoyed themselves. We didn't get to see the end of the bullriding as it was getting a bit late, but Natalya was very pleased we went. I know she gets a bit bored with all the hikes I usually take her on, so it is good that other people we know keep an eye out for other cool things that are going on and let us know. All in all it was a great night.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
"New" Whitewater hike
With Jessica busy building the new deck Natalya and I headed off to join our friends Vincent, Claire and Lucas, for a hike at Whitewater State Park. I thought we'd done all the hikes at Whitewater but evidently I was wrong. In fact, we'd missed one of the best ones. It wasn't a long hike but there were a couple of steep sections. The day was delightful but a little warm. Up higher there was a nice breeze though and all in all it was a great hike for the conditions. Natalya and Lucas both did very well walking (for the most part) and Natalya stayed especially close to Claire. Vincent and Lucas were the two amigos and it was evident Lucas loved his vantage point in his backpack while papa did all the work.
Afterwards we all went out for chinese food (yep, Plainview has a chinese restaurant) and turned it into a relaxing afternoon. It was a shame to have to go back to work the next day.
Natalya posing in a rock formation
Natalya accepting Claire's help hiking up the path
Vincent and Lucas reach the summit
Having raced to the top the Leonards share a drink
Daddy and Pierce make it to the top
Looking down at the swimming beach
catching a candid smile from Claire
The kids playing trains on the way down
Pierce just not staying still
Afterwards we all went out for chinese food (yep, Plainview has a chinese restaurant) and turned it into a relaxing afternoon. It was a shame to have to go back to work the next day.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Dinner at Bryan's & Dodge County Fair
With everyone being so busy this was our first chance to get back together after the Montana trip, but this time we had our families in tow. Because his proximity to the Dodge county fairgrounds Bryan and Michelle threw a barbecue dinner and then we set out to the fair. Bryan and Michelle only have the two kids (Nathan and Ben), Ted and Tonya have three kids (Meredith, Luke and Natalie) and we have the two so it was quite the commotion at the Krajicek house. The food, as always, was fantastic with the fabulous steaks and some Krajicek Estates wine.
After the meal it was time to head to the fair and the kids were immediately enraptured. There were bunnies and cows and goats and ducks and even some exotic animals, including monkeys, wallabies and zeedonks. The kids got to play on merry-go-rounds and various other rides, and Bryan bought a great big bag of cotton candy (fairy floss) that the kids loved. With all the festivities time began to fly by and it wasn't long before it was getting dark and the younger kids fell asleep. The night ended too soon but I think everyone had a good time.

After the meal it was time to head to the fair and the kids were immediately enraptured. There were bunnies and cows and goats and ducks and even some exotic animals, including monkeys, wallabies and zeedonks. The kids got to play on merry-go-rounds and various other rides, and Bryan bought a great big bag of cotton candy (fairy floss) that the kids loved. With all the festivities time began to fly by and it wasn't long before it was getting dark and the younger kids fell asleep. The night ended too soon but I think everyone had a good time.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
The most satisfying trout of the year
If you're been following this blog you've probably noticed I've been trying to put my friend, Vincent, onto his first brown trout since the winter. It seems every time we've gone fishing the stream conditions and/or time of day have been against us, but still it's frustrating and embarrassing to not at least get a stray trout or two. Anyway, with every failed trip the frustration has grown and the urge to hook up has gotten more and more intense.
Friday evening Vincent and I headed over to a pond in Rochester, (Foster Arend) to try out Vincent's new flyfishing outfit and he got to experience a float tube for the first time. Evidently the pond hasn't recently been stocked with rainbows (as we didn't catch any at least) but there are always plenty of sunfish to keep a guy going. At least Vincent got to catch fish on his new rod! It was a pleasant evening and we fished until they kicked us out of the park.
Saturday saw us at Forrestville State Park where the South Branch of the Root River begins. The two feeder streams were quite clear, water temperatures were good and things looked good for catching a few fish. It was around the middle of the day but there was plenty of shade and structure. One or two holes in particular looked sooo good. After pounding the water pretty hard we ended up catching only one small brown in some slack water. The stretch of stream was noticeably low in fish, perhaps because fish had moved downstream to take advantage of the morning trico hatches going on closer to Preston. The few sporadic risers were likely taking ants but were all small fish zipping about and not sitting in set feeding lanes.
Still, we had a great time picnicking with our wives and kids, and my sister-in-law was also along. The girls and kids went on a nice hike while we fished. Vincent, Claire and Lucas had to leave to get back to the lab mid afternoon, and Jessica, Mandi, Natalya and Pierce also bailed. I was left all alone in trout country. What was I supposed to do?
With the added freedom I headed down towards Preston to take a look. Some scattered storms had dumped sediment into the river and it was quite brown and only borderline fishable. I picked up one tiny brownie with it's "baby" markings still on it. I checked a few more spots around Preston before heading towards Lanesborough and Duschee Creek. I couldn't believe how brown it was and although I fished it for a while I had no success. Evidently it had been a great day floating, picnicking, canoeing and drinking along the Root River as people were everywhere in town and in good spirits. It was a fine, summer atmosphere.
I headed to Bucksnort and Trout Run. It always fishes well! The water there was very brown - almost fishable but not great. I didn't fish but checked the slab bridge and round barn and nobody was out - not a good sign. It was getting late and I wanted to get home to spend at least some time with our visitor (I'd taken advantage of her company for my wife so I could duck out and do other things without leaving Jessica lonely). As I turned towards home I just wondered a little about Beaver Creek. I slowed at the bridge and the water was clear............hmmmmm. There was still a little light left and that stream has always been so good to me. I parked by an access sight and went the short distance to a good pool I know well.
When I got there I couldn't believe it. There were fish slurping emergers beneath the surface with regularity. There was a cloud of tiny, white midges hovering above the surface so I tied on my smallest white midge pattern and cast out. After several casts I'd had but one, half-hearted whack a the fly. My fly was an order of magnitude larger than the white specs flying around but I could hear the odd mosquito buzzing around. After having good success with that fly in Montana I thought I'd tie one on. Success was instant.
The hatch switched from bulging, emerger takes to splashy rises and jumps as the fish switched to adults and the fishing went gang-busters. At any given time there was at least two or three fish at least partially out of the water. I've never seen beaver creek so active. In the hour or so before the bats and darkness (and knotted tippet) ended things I brought sixteen feisty brownies to hand, without moving more than two steps. Most were around the eight inch mark but one exceptional fish was just under thirteen. That fish was hooked deep and bleeding heavily from the gills. I hadn't eaten for hours so the thought of fresh, baked trout sounded great and that fish ended up coming home.
Sunday I called Vincent and he came out early in the evening. We rigged up and headed down to the same pool. The fish were just beginning to feed on the emergers when we got there, and it was frustrating for that first half hour or so as Vincent went fishless in the midst of all that sub-surface commotion. Finally though, it happened and instinctively Vincent brought in his first brown trout. It wasn't big but it will always be his first. I can't explain my relief and if Vincent was half as excited as me that would be great. Who would have thought we'd get his first trout on a size 20 dry fly on an intimate, technical stream like Beaver Creek where only wily wild trout live. I'd expected his first to be a dumb stocked fish from the open waters of Whitewater on a streamer or nymph. Some guys are just destined to fish at the highest level of the sport perhaps? Maybe I should have taken him out with a spey rod and greased line after Atlantic salmon? :)
The hatch was just as good that night as it had been Saturday and it was also good Monday night, although I was alone then. Still, none of the subsequent fish were as satisfying as that first trout Vincent brought to hand. Hopefully that is only the start for him.
Friday evening Vincent and I headed over to a pond in Rochester, (Foster Arend) to try out Vincent's new flyfishing outfit and he got to experience a float tube for the first time. Evidently the pond hasn't recently been stocked with rainbows (as we didn't catch any at least) but there are always plenty of sunfish to keep a guy going. At least Vincent got to catch fish on his new rod! It was a pleasant evening and we fished until they kicked us out of the park.
Saturday saw us at Forrestville State Park where the South Branch of the Root River begins. The two feeder streams were quite clear, water temperatures were good and things looked good for catching a few fish. It was around the middle of the day but there was plenty of shade and structure. One or two holes in particular looked sooo good. After pounding the water pretty hard we ended up catching only one small brown in some slack water. The stretch of stream was noticeably low in fish, perhaps because fish had moved downstream to take advantage of the morning trico hatches going on closer to Preston. The few sporadic risers were likely taking ants but were all small fish zipping about and not sitting in set feeding lanes.
Still, we had a great time picnicking with our wives and kids, and my sister-in-law was also along. The girls and kids went on a nice hike while we fished. Vincent, Claire and Lucas had to leave to get back to the lab mid afternoon, and Jessica, Mandi, Natalya and Pierce also bailed. I was left all alone in trout country. What was I supposed to do?
With the added freedom I headed down towards Preston to take a look. Some scattered storms had dumped sediment into the river and it was quite brown and only borderline fishable. I picked up one tiny brownie with it's "baby" markings still on it. I checked a few more spots around Preston before heading towards Lanesborough and Duschee Creek. I couldn't believe how brown it was and although I fished it for a while I had no success. Evidently it had been a great day floating, picnicking, canoeing and drinking along the Root River as people were everywhere in town and in good spirits. It was a fine, summer atmosphere.
I headed to Bucksnort and Trout Run. It always fishes well! The water there was very brown - almost fishable but not great. I didn't fish but checked the slab bridge and round barn and nobody was out - not a good sign. It was getting late and I wanted to get home to spend at least some time with our visitor (I'd taken advantage of her company for my wife so I could duck out and do other things without leaving Jessica lonely). As I turned towards home I just wondered a little about Beaver Creek. I slowed at the bridge and the water was clear............hmmmmm. There was still a little light left and that stream has always been so good to me. I parked by an access sight and went the short distance to a good pool I know well.
When I got there I couldn't believe it. There were fish slurping emergers beneath the surface with regularity. There was a cloud of tiny, white midges hovering above the surface so I tied on my smallest white midge pattern and cast out. After several casts I'd had but one, half-hearted whack a the fly. My fly was an order of magnitude larger than the white specs flying around but I could hear the odd mosquito buzzing around. After having good success with that fly in Montana I thought I'd tie one on. Success was instant.
The hatch switched from bulging, emerger takes to splashy rises and jumps as the fish switched to adults and the fishing went gang-busters. At any given time there was at least two or three fish at least partially out of the water. I've never seen beaver creek so active. In the hour or so before the bats and darkness (and knotted tippet) ended things I brought sixteen feisty brownies to hand, without moving more than two steps. Most were around the eight inch mark but one exceptional fish was just under thirteen. That fish was hooked deep and bleeding heavily from the gills. I hadn't eaten for hours so the thought of fresh, baked trout sounded great and that fish ended up coming home.
Sunday I called Vincent and he came out early in the evening. We rigged up and headed down to the same pool. The fish were just beginning to feed on the emergers when we got there, and it was frustrating for that first half hour or so as Vincent went fishless in the midst of all that sub-surface commotion. Finally though, it happened and instinctively Vincent brought in his first brown trout. It wasn't big but it will always be his first. I can't explain my relief and if Vincent was half as excited as me that would be great. Who would have thought we'd get his first trout on a size 20 dry fly on an intimate, technical stream like Beaver Creek where only wily wild trout live. I'd expected his first to be a dumb stocked fish from the open waters of Whitewater on a streamer or nymph. Some guys are just destined to fish at the highest level of the sport perhaps? Maybe I should have taken him out with a spey rod and greased line after Atlantic salmon? :)
Vincent setting up at Beaver Creek
A beautiful sight - someone's first Trout
The Happy Angler
The New Rod and Reel with it's first Trout
In the end Vincent ended up with three trout that evening with his last being around that eleven to twelve inch mark, which is respectable in this stream. A big fish on this stream is fourteen inches but I have two fish over the magical twenty inch mark in the eight years I've been fishing it. The stream has high numbers and some years the size is good as well, but mostly the fish are between eight and twelve inches.The hatch was just as good that night as it had been Saturday and it was also good Monday night, although I was alone then. Still, none of the subsequent fish were as satisfying as that first trout Vincent brought to hand. Hopefully that is only the start for him.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Mandi visits on Lake Zumbro
Unfortunately I was pretty busy when Mandi came to visit with work, and I also took advantage of Jessica having some help and company to let me slip away and chase trout on Beaver Creek (which fished really well). Anyway, I did finally manage to commit some time to visiting and doing some fun stuff while she was here. After work one afternoon we slipped the boat in at Lake Zumbro and cruised around for a little while. It was a nice evening with just a hint of coolness as the sun slipped over the hills. Natalya and Pierce appeared to enjoy themselves but Natalya didn't like going too fast. Going home we had some trouble with the trailer lights and battery issues at the start, but the engine started first go. It's a disgrace that it's taken me so long to get the boat in this year.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Running Races
Every summer the Rochester Athletics Club puts on a series of all comers track meets for kids at the local track. The kids run in their age groups with boys and girls divisions and each participant gets a ribbon (yes it's America so everyone gets a ribbon so everybody feels like a winner - no wonder there's no incentive to work hard or improve). Natalya went a couple of times last year but this year she understood much more. She's still enjoying the running more than getting into the competition side of things and that's not bad.
Most times we'd also run into some friends, particularly Vincent, Claire and Vincent and little Lucas can run - just usually he'll run around like crazy when it's not racing time and then be too tired to race. Still I think all the kids have a great time and it's great to see the kids out and enjoying themselves. I'm glad the club puts it on and keeps it free. I think it's six times through the summer and every tuesday evening.
Most times we'd also run into some friends, particularly Vincent, Claire and Vincent and little Lucas can run - just usually he'll run around like crazy when it's not racing time and then be too tired to race. Still I think all the kids have a great time and it's great to see the kids out and enjoying themselves. I'm glad the club puts it on and keeps it free. I think it's six times through the summer and every tuesday evening.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Southern Comfort
After a hectic week, Thursday rolled around and after getting what needed to be done at work finished (although one has to wonder what truly needs to be done in my lab considering what is achieved by my co-workers!) I raced home just in time to pack and jump in the car to head down to Jessica's (my wife) extended family around Champain, Illinois for the fourth of July long weekend. After a couple of stops with the kids we ended up making it to Mahomet around 9:30pm but quickly found ourselves on some back roads among the cornfields. There were fireworks going off all around us, which was pretty cool I suppose. When we finally did make it to Kari and Dave's place it was already late and we sat up and talked for a while but quickly retreated to our beds for the night.
Morning saw us sleep in, which was unfortunate because Dave had gotten up early to make us a good breakfast of biscuits and gravy. Even though it had been on the stove a while when I got up it was delicious. Kari and Dave live on several acres with a creek running along the back property line banked with hardwood forest. The only point to cross is on a sandbar directly behind his place and has allowed him to fill many, many deer tags in his own backyard. Deer are a passion for him. In the morning we checked the garden out and the orchard, the greenhouse and the like and popped down the road to visit Lee. Lee's was originally born in Ohio and has been around the place, but spend quite some time in Louisiana before settling to central Illinois. To an Australian Lee and his family are good ol' boys in bibs, talking slow with that southern drawl and southern slang. They were relaxed and Lee's two visiting grandkids near wore me out as I chased them around the yard, while picking blueberries and rasberries.
When we got back it was time for lunch and we dined on baked rainbow trout (caught by Dave) and several member of the family came to visit including Jessica's grandmother and cousins. It was a good lunch with relaxed conversation. While the adults were talking, Natalya and Nathan played a video game of boxing on his Wii. Natalya had a great time, although I'm not sure she quite understood what was going on.
Apparently it's a tradition to meet up on Saturdays for a buffet. I had never met Debbie and it was a pleasure to meet her. Jim was as happy and relaxed as I've ever seen him (and he's a pretty relaxed guy). Jessica's grandfather also seemed to be a good mood and lunch was a good time.
Saturday evening involved us sitting around talking but we did get up to some fun. After Pierce went to sleep Charlie, Kari, Natalya, Jessica and I fired off a few firecrackers. After a few problems we ended up firing a swag of smaller ones over Kari's cedar shingled roof, which had us a bit concerned for a while.
The guys were again up early and on the lake. This time the bass were schooling up and pushing the minnows up against some steep banks, so you'd see bass crashing the surface in small schools (similar to small tuna schools). It was hard to predict where the fish would be but when you were close when they erupted you'd be assured a fish or two, but they would disappear as quickly as they'd arrive. We had a great morning and kept ourselves a good feed. Back at Dave's we filleted the fish then headed down to Lee's on the quads for a fish fry. You just don't get much better than that!
Once we got back to the house the kids went for a swim and then Lee brought his grandkids over to join the fun. We then headed back over to Jessica's grandmas to visit, headed out for lunch at a seafood place and then grabbed some frozen custard, which Natalya loved. We didn't get away for the drive home until late Sunday but at least the kids slept pretty much the whole way home, even though Jessica and I had trouble staying awake. All in all it was a good trip that we managed to fit quite a bit into.
Morning saw us sleep in, which was unfortunate because Dave had gotten up early to make us a good breakfast of biscuits and gravy. Even though it had been on the stove a while when I got up it was delicious. Kari and Dave live on several acres with a creek running along the back property line banked with hardwood forest. The only point to cross is on a sandbar directly behind his place and has allowed him to fill many, many deer tags in his own backyard. Deer are a passion for him. In the morning we checked the garden out and the orchard, the greenhouse and the like and popped down the road to visit Lee. Lee's was originally born in Ohio and has been around the place, but spend quite some time in Louisiana before settling to central Illinois. To an Australian Lee and his family are good ol' boys in bibs, talking slow with that southern drawl and southern slang. They were relaxed and Lee's two visiting grandkids near wore me out as I chased them around the yard, while picking blueberries and rasberries.
When we got back it was time for lunch and we dined on baked rainbow trout (caught by Dave) and several member of the family came to visit including Jessica's grandmother and cousins. It was a good lunch with relaxed conversation. While the adults were talking, Natalya and Nathan played a video game of boxing on his Wii. Natalya had a great time, although I'm not sure she quite understood what was going on.
Natalya and Nathan boxing
After lunch it was time for a quick trip out to the pond. We trailered up and headed off to pick up Lee and headed to the water, which was less than five minutes away. Dave's boat is a sweet little rig and the two them have an easy system at the ramp. The boat is launched and off in less than a minute or two. There's even a triangle in the bank from the repeated bumping from the bow which now serves as a perfect site for loading up - these guys must fish this pond alot!
The rig at Lee's place
We fished for a couple of hours and I managed a bluegill and a largemouth bass, and Dave and Lee each got a bass each. They weren't huge bass but plenty of fun. We mainly trolled but also cast to the bank. As we got back the girls were off to the fireworks so I jumped from the truck, into the car and off to the fireworks with the family. It was a long show but and I felt it was too long and the space between fireworks was a bit long. Still it was pretty good. Natalya was actually a bit scared this year, but we were VERY close to where they were being launched. When we got back we sat up pretty late talking but I knew I had to be up early to head back out on the lake.
Lee with a little bass
I was up at six but the guys were already up. Jessica's uncle Charlie had slept outside and had prepared a breakfast of waffles. He'd also made a fancy topping thing (sorry I don't remember the name) but it tasted fantastic! It had strawberries, rasberries, blueberries, orange juice and Captain Morgan Rum. After that we had a quick trip to pick up some greenhouse glass for Dave and then off to the pond again. We got onto quite a few bass and once done we came home and I joined the girls visiting their grandmother, before meeting up with her other grandfather to drive over to Danville and meet up with Uncle Jim and his girlfriend, Debbie.
Apparently it's a tradition to meet up on Saturdays for a buffet. I had never met Debbie and it was a pleasure to meet her. Jim was as happy and relaxed as I've ever seen him (and he's a pretty relaxed guy). Jessica's grandfather also seemed to be a good mood and lunch was a good time.
Saturday evening involved us sitting around talking but we did get up to some fun. After Pierce went to sleep Charlie, Kari, Natalya, Jessica and I fired off a few firecrackers. After a few problems we ended up firing a swag of smaller ones over Kari's cedar shingled roof, which had us a bit concerned for a while.
The guys were again up early and on the lake. This time the bass were schooling up and pushing the minnows up against some steep banks, so you'd see bass crashing the surface in small schools (similar to small tuna schools). It was hard to predict where the fish would be but when you were close when they erupted you'd be assured a fish or two, but they would disappear as quickly as they'd arrive. We had a great morning and kept ourselves a good feed. Back at Dave's we filleted the fish then headed down to Lee's on the quads for a fish fry. You just don't get much better than that!
Once we got back to the house the kids went for a swim and then Lee brought his grandkids over to join the fun. We then headed back over to Jessica's grandmas to visit, headed out for lunch at a seafood place and then grabbed some frozen custard, which Natalya loved. We didn't get away for the drive home until late Sunday but at least the kids slept pretty much the whole way home, even though Jessica and I had trouble staying awake. All in all it was a good trip that we managed to fit quite a bit into.
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